Tuesday, September 18, 2007

So.... my math class is.... ya, know what??? It defies explanation! It was supposed to be a class on the history of math and it's practical application through the centuries... at least that is what you'd be lead to believe by reading the text book... however, the teacher decided that he'd rather not teach the text book, because he didn't get to choose it, it was assigned to him, so instead he just wants to teach the TI-83 calculator... He says that though we hate it now one day we will love it so much we will just want to play with it all day, and even take it into the shower with us... yep, I don't think so...not unless it can be drowned! The upside of the class is that the instructor has a great sense of humor and usually stops to take a break when jaws start to clench on the majority of the class simultaneously. He'll usually look out at us and say... oh... class is very very mad at me... time for break! He is very perceptive.

The nice young man sitting next to me in class kept saying he was so sick of the class that he literally felt sick sitting in there... and then he went on to say this class is so crazy it is a waist of his time because it is all about a stupid calculator and it is so easy... I said yes, I feel just the same way, except for the exact opposite reason... poor kid, then he started to say things about how hard it must be for old... I mean, mature... I mean... people my mom's age... (stutter...stammer... yikes!.... words seemed to fail him at that point...) then he nicely asked me what I didn't understand and pretty much spent the rest of the class trying to help a mature old lady (that would be me) try to learn the fine art of the TI-83... so I graphed a parabola and solved for x and y.... not sure when I'll ever use that brain numbing skill again... especially after I hold a TI-83 calculator bonfire party on or about the evening of Dec. 17th... directly following the final... but aside from all of that... I do love being back in college... really!