Sunday, September 2, 2007

Oh my goodness.... I was just watching TV and a commercial came on about some granola bar... and they panned out to a mountain reflecting in the lake and it caught my eye, and I thought wow... that looks just like the picture I took at Convict Lake except it was probably taken in the spring instead of winter... and at the end of the commercial it said "Convict Lake, Eastern Sierra Mountains"...
Isn't it interesting how something that took your breathe away... something you stood in awe of, that you have studied and looked at from more than one angle is stored in your memory and when presented with again, it feels like home, it feels authentic, it feels like a part of you...
Okay here comes my parallel to God's word... when you've studied it and considered it and written it on your heart, even as time passes, when it is presented again to you in it's pure, right context, even though it might be in a different season of your life, it rings so true and so right, and whether it is convicting, uplifting, or instructing, it feels like home. Love that... Love Him...Love His word.