Friday, August 31, 2007

Truth by definition is not up for re-framing. It is either “true” or it is “false” “.” The world can’t be both simultaneously round and flat. You can’t say the ocean is made of Gatorade and think that we should all accept that because your understanding of h2o mixed with sodium constitutes salt water and those things can be found in Gatorade therefore the ocean must be Gatorade as well. It seems that logic is missing a couple of key ingredients and so is the concept of re-framing what we know to be right and true as it applies to the word of God.

In this culture of post-clintonian verbosity the prevailing accepted agenda of a continual pursuit of deciding what the definition of the word is, is, is starting to make a mockery of simply what is. And I don’t know how else to get it across, my heart is broken over it. I’m certain generations past struggled with influences that served to undermine even the most basic of common sense; I believe our history books recount that. From Hitler to Hussein and posts prior and in between, humanity screams of a godless chaos that is crying out for order and redemption. We will so willingly walk lock step off a cliff if those to our left and right seem also to be linking arms. The mob mentality is pervasive in this day and age. Gangs aren’t new but they are revolutionizing the hearts and minds of those who are without hope and a sense of purpose and belonging, and again my heart aches.

Everything seems up for a measure of disquiet, distrust and disdain.
We are seemingly living in a culture that is with rampant effusiveness scornful of our heritage and hell-bent on re-framing any allegiance to a homeland as if it would preclude first allegiances to a heavenly address. I am mindful that I live in the most affluent country in the world. I am aware that on occasion we can be charged with using our power not for good, but for a weighty impression of might over circumstance. I also know full well that I am undeservedly a child of comfort and security not known in other parts of the world, and I think it is the height of arrogance and ungratefulness or at the very least misunderstanding, to deny the mercy that has been imparted to me through no merit of my own to have been born on this geographical location and to have been the recipient of unwarranted privilege simply by virtue of my birthright…. I can’t deny that, and it’s organic at the core of who I am through this unmerited favor, to be thankful, not ashamed, but immensely grateful for the sheer privilege of my existence and to not take it for granted. Not to deface it or devalue it or denigrate the reality of it, but to humbly recognize it for what it is, a provision of God, that I am not worthy of, but eternally grateful for. To whom much is given much is expected.

It is because of the reality of absolute truth that I can absolutely walk in the confidence, that though my history and heart would otherwise condemn me, I have been saved, by grace, through faith. This is a distinction I will never earn, can never earn, and it is one that is based solely in truth of who Christ is, and who I am because of Him. Our creator in His infinite wisdom granted to us free will and as I post these ponderings, my heart aches for those who have not yet come into a personal relationship with Jesus. Exercising free will and left to my own devices, I often wander to margins that while permissible are not beneficial. Life is full of temptations and choices we sometimes find ourselves ill equipped to navigate alone.

For anyone out there happening upon this blog and reading this post, who may have in the past or perhaps even at this very moment struggled with who they are in Christ, please stop for a moment and take stock of where you are, and where you are going and what have you chosen to do with knowledge that you have been saved by grace through faith. While this world can often swirl around you in relative chaos, there is a God who's peace is not like this worlds, who's love is pure and true, and who loves you more than you perhaps have ever felt possible. Stop for a moment and consider a life, your life, saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. Accept it and rest in a growing and secure faith, a peace unlike this world's and a confident hope that He is more than able to accomplish what concerns you today.