Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Grace is such an amazing thing. It is wholly what I rest my understanding of who I am in Christ around. Without grace it's a merrit based relationship and I learned long ago... my measruing stick differs from my neighbors... so who's to say what is good enough. How could you ever know your status, how could your ever know if the narrow way was able to be navigated, or if you'd get half way to the pearly gates and get one upped by the perverbial Jones' ? Either God's grace is enormous and so by faith through unmerrited favor alone I am called a child of God, or it is a minute by minute proposition, kind of a play the hokey pokey attempt at "good enough" status... did one worthy thing.... put your right foot in.... lost my temper.... put your right foot out.... donated to a worthy cause...put your right food in and shake it all about... That system of acceptance would seem to be exhausting and so unsettling. Christ came so that we could have life and live it abundantly... not so that at His whim He could change the entrence fee and knock a few of us out of line. He paid the price, set the captives free, and didn't ask first if I'd be willing to love Him if He chose to do this on my behalf. Instead, when I deserved it the least, not even aware of my lost status, He died for me. He loved me first, no strings attached, just a gift to be received and I've not been the same since receiving it. My life has changed