Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ever have one of those weeks you are certain there couldn't possibly be another tear left inside of you, and yet when you least expect it there it goes again. Some seasons of life are so not in my original play book. Somethings lack paved paths and you just have no other option than to make your way through it. Something that I've struggled with more intensely than knew was possible has found resolve and yet it finding it so much had to be let go of, and while I'll considered the cost, I underestimated the pain. One friend this last week lost a son to a long and well fought battle and though his life on this side of heaven was far too brief, reading some of his care pages and the notes from his mom, not a day was wasted, and oh how he lived and loved Jesus. Another friend is enduring a nightmare scenario they never told you about in the pages of "what to expect while expecting", or I'm certain I'd never have had the courage to become a mom myself. My heart aches for my friends. My heart aches for a myriad of reasons. I see I still have tears left, how... is that possible?