Sunday, August 19, 2007

Going forward..sometimes feels like going full circle

So school starts this week. My oldest starts College, My baby is a senior and I'm returning to college... finally! Last time I returned I remember thinking the TI-83 calculator was a tool of the dark side... I mean honestly... by the time I figured out what buttons to push they'd moved on five pages... I'm sure the learning curves ahead will be a bit unnerving, but life's unnerving if we really choose to live it... can't always take the path of least resistance.
Life is filled with endings and new beginnings. The endings are seldom without cost. This week the path of least resistance was not an option for me. That's life sometimes... at least when I'm not trying to stay safely planted on the path I've grown so fond of. But finding out what is around the bend can be daunting. So thankful I'm never really going it alone. God is so good.