Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Creative Adventure

I recently went on an adventure. I live a fairly adventure free life, pretty safe, not to edgy. I have well defined (if not plush) comfort zones, all things considered. This was a rustic retreat. No blow dryer. No electricity. No meat. I can live without meat... the blow dryer was a bit of a trial however! :) It was a retreat on creativity that was held up in the sequoias. It was an experience unlike any I have ever had. Still processing it.

Must say, met some of the most welcoming people I have ever been around. That was a lesson in it's self. It was a beautiful setting, with amazing vegetarian meals, creative projects that made me question the necessity of my comfort zone but made me all the more convicted and secure of my faith in the one who created me. In addition to all of that I had a great time of fellowship with a friend. Next year mountain climbing (not likely) Maybe a week at a spa... I'll even leave the blow dryer at home!(ok...they usually have one complimentary... but it's a step right!) It's good to be home.