Sunday, July 22, 2007

There are many things I'd like to have been. A singer for one... If I could sing like Crystal Lewis, or Kelly Clarkson for that matter I'd be on the road singing my heart out. (Word to the wise... don't buy a ticket if you ever hear I'm doing a concert... You've been fore warned!) There are many roads you can travel in this life... though not all of them you were designed to travel. Some of us get sick at high altitude, some tremble at a mountain's edge... some of life's challenges we where meant to walk on in the strength of the Lord... other's we should have heeded the detour signs instead of thinking we knew better. There are so many road blocks in this life, how are we supposed to know the ones that where meant to be temporary setbacks and those that where meant to reroute our routeThere are many injustices in this world. We can thank ourselve's for messing up God's best. But you can drive yourself crazy thinking that somehow you are the answer to all of the world's injustice. Do what you can, lend your hand, lend your heart, lend your check book. Step up to the plate. Go where you are called. Choose to be available. But don't want for or strive for someone elses calling. God has spoken to your heart. What has He told you.