Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ever wonder what if?

I was recently watching a TV show when one of the characters was feeling marginalized by the comparison of her life with another’s. So, she awkwardly began trying to rewrite history as if somehow the choices that had led her to where she was at that moment in life weren’t of value…weren’t the right ones… weren’t enough. Then she realized all things considered her life was exactly as it should be and she didn’t need to justify the life she had lived. Then she said something like… “I’ve made my choices; I just temporarily forgot they were good choices…” For some reason, that really hit a cord with me. Chalk it up to this mid-life pondering I find myself engaged in lately.

Ever wonder what if? If we knew then what we know now would we have done it differently? Guess we’ll never really know the answer to that question, but I tend to think no.
Sure I may have done more sit ups, or worn sunscreen more often, but as far back as I can think… even my bad… really awful choices, have ultimately taught me really hard fought lessons.

I imagine on occasion having a do-over on a decision or two I’ve made along the way. Especially on choices where someone else got the short end of an ill-considered decision on my part. Causing another’s discomfort, is upon reflection, perhaps the most difficult part of bad choices I’ve made in this life and maybe reason enough to do a few of them over, if I could. And maybe I could have learned lessons sooner… maybe I could have been satisfied learning more fully from other’s mistakes instead of having to make them for myself. But that is life isn’t it?

Where would any of us be if we just did the exact perfect thing at the exact perfect time… every time… all the time? Certainly not here on earth. How blessed am I… how blessed are we, that we are loved by an endlessly compassionate, patient and mercy filled God who does do the exact perfect thing at the exact perfect time… every time… all the time, all the while never growing weary of my tiny little steps toward Him that are in reality "choices" to be more Christ like and less Kari like as time goes on.

There I go... rambling with a keyboard in my hand again...ponder away…