Remember 8 track tapes??? Sure they would have been hard to go running with, but.... those where the days...
I got a new Red Ipod Nano a couple weeks ago... Since then it has worked about a third of the time... it randomly shuts off and then wont turn on, or charge or reset.... I've spent about 2 hours doing everything the Apple site tells me to try on it and trying to fill out online a request to return it... (6 times their system had an error) finally the nano turned back on today, but I got a hold a 1-800-my-apple and talked to a real live person (after a lovely coustomer service menu navigating endurance test) who said... (after I explained the problem, and the fact that out of 2 weeks it has only worked about a third of the time and randomly turns on and off, but that it was on right then...) "so it is working now?".... and I said "yes, right this minute"... so then she said, "so there is no problem?"... ???!? to which I replied ?!? "well... at this very moment it is on, but can't say how long that will be true," to which she said, "but it is working right this moment?"... again I said "yes"... to which she said... "so there is no problem with it ?" !?! To which I said... "I realize this isn't your fault... or company, but...are you trying to tell me that even though this device is just a couple weeks old and it cost a couple hundred dollars, there is nothing you can do and the fact that it works every few days is the best I should hope for, because is seems to me I should be able to expect that it would work every time I turn it on... At least... that is why I bought it... so that I could listen to it... not so I could have a shiny new red non-working nano.".. at this point I'm actually kind of laughing... and she very politely said "well, we can't authorize it being returned if it is working.".. ?!?!?!? So at this point she suggested I update the most recent software... (which could only be less than a week newer than the last time it was updated) and so we updated my software and she said..." is there anything else I can do to help you?" again...semi laughing I said..."Well...apparently not based on your definition of what deems something to be in working order..." Then she said feel free to contact apple again if you have any problems, thank you for calling apple.... ?!?!? Well, it is awfully cute... maybe when it stops working again I could make it into a necklace or something.... I think I'll enter 1-800-my-apple into my speed dial just in case :)