Tonight a dear friend and I went to see Brother Yun speak at Church. Brother Yun is the author of the book "The Heavenly Man." I had recently begun reading his book(okay started it before school started back and then put it on the shelf). The book, his life story, is truly amazing (and yet I wanted to read it uninterrupted by homework so I shelved it... (all or nothing !?!) Anyway... it was such an awesome blessing to be there tonight. I was stirred by his retelling of his life in China and by his unyielding desire to know Jesus and to have a Bible of his own. After fasting and praying for 3 months, in a rural village in communist China, a Bible was delivered to him ( I wont tell you the details.... you'll have to get the book:) Everyday after that he committed chapter after chapter to memory. And God has done things only God could do in China because of Yun's faithfulness to his call.
I'm embarrassed to tell you I have an NIV study bible, NASB precept study bible, Living bible, New Century pocket bible, NIV pocket bible, NASB pocket bible, 2 different comparative study bibles, the archaeological study bible, the Message, my 3rd grade NKJ award bible, my grandma's KJ bible, my mom's NASB bible.... and those are the ones I can think of off hand.... oh, and the amplified bible and the bible on my laptop with countless translations and yet, though I have more bibles than there are days of the week, I've never once committed and entire chapter to memory.
I hate to think I have succumb to little more than a consumeristic faith. I've been blessed to see God work in nearly indescribable ways in my life. I know He is who He says He is and that I am who He says I am, but what does my current time spent studying His word say about the level of passion I have about the grace, and faith and hope that I walk in everyday? Matthew 6:33 says; But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Seems I've once again reversed the order of things. Thanks "Heavenly Man" for reminding me that faith is not a "sort of " thing. So blessed - xo