School starts back up again Monday :) I'm excited to get back on track. This is the first summer in a very long time when I have not been working :) I had big plans to write (hmmmm, well, I gathered all of my most recent scribbles into one folder, it's a start...) I was going to drop the 10 pounds I packed on since returning to college... (no comment) I started learning to play golf, had both kids move out to go to different colleges, spent time with friends and family and read a few books. I'm a blessed girl :)
The Shack - by William P. Young - Okay... I read it :) Interesting and creative work of fiction. I wouldn't try try to pass a theology exam by studying it but I enjoyed the author's ability to draw you into the moment with descriptive ease.
Lessons Learned in the Dark - by Jenifer Rothschild - A remarkable recounting of a life being beautifully lived out sightless but not lacking vision. Even when you can't see Him... He remains :) God is good.
Summer Book Review:
we are not emergent: By two guys who should be - by Kevin Deyoung and Ted Kluck- Thoughtful, insightful and informative. I appreciated the balance and variation in their two writing styles and the clarity and impassioned intention with which each writer addressed their concerns and respectfully presented their case.

he Organic God - by Margret Fiengold - A very quick read. Heavy on personal reflection and analogies perhaps a bit light on concrete content, but overall, I connected with her engaging ability to communicate, and was moved by her heart's desire in writing this book.