I Just pondering as I'm prone to do.....
I was reading something on google that said the US didn't rank in the top of some survey ranking the " happiest countries" partially because baby boomers are miserable. I guess I fall on the cusp of the boomers and the Gen X'rs but even when my world has at times seemingly crumbled around me I'd have been hard pressed to say my entire outlook on life was "miserable." Certainly situations or circumstances can at times (and have at times ) left me feeling like the life was being sucked out of me - that I can't deny - but praise God, He alone is the reason for my hope, not my ability, not my predicament, not my position. Romans 5:5 says "...hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us." Perhaps we (including me) as a culture have taken our collective eyes off the only prize worth pursuing. Perhaps we have focused on the rat race instead of the race we were called to run with endurance - fighting the good fight, keeping the faith & finishing well (2Tim. 4:7) the race set before us - The world would have us believe and be preoccupied (and all to often apparently "miserable") otherwise, but then - what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Ponder on....
This is an excerpt from the article I was reading:
Gloom and Doom Rule the Baby Boom
By LiveScience Staff
posted: 25 June 2008 05:26 pm ET
Boomers are tired, overworked, strapped, bummed out and don't expect to get a break.
More than young people or seniors, Baby Boomers (aged 44 to 62 now) are gloomy about their lives and the prospects for improvement, a new survey finds.
By LiveScience Staff
posted: 25 June 2008 05:26 pm ET
Boomers are tired, overworked, strapped, bummed out and don't expect to get a break.
More than young people or seniors, Baby Boomers (aged 44 to 62 now) are gloomy about their lives and the prospects for improvement, a new survey finds.