Sunday, February 24, 2008
Yippee... my cookies are doing what ever they do again!
I wish I were just a little bit more computer savvy. I seem to know just enough to get me in trouble at times, but not enough to get me out of it. I guess I did something recently, though I have no idea what, that has caused my computer to randomly get kicked off the Internet and to also mess up my cookies..... (not the yummy kind.) After three days of navigating once again the black hole of customer service for for my ISP, my wireless router and google... I'm back on line. Most likely this news is not earth shattering to you (at least I would hope it isn't... much more grand and meaningful things are happening routinely in the universe :) Yet, it is amazing to me how not being able to log on with ease can cause routine activities to come to a screeching halt. All of my college classes have information that is only available on line and I received a couple emails wondering if I was ignoring people or deathly ill. Thankfully neither one applies at this time :) Hope you have a great week - xoxo