Friday, June 22, 2007

Warp Speed and Lemonade

Time seems to be traveling at warp speed these days. I thought summer was the time to sit out on the front porch and sip a nice tart lemonade... (Not really, never really thought that until this moment, and somehow it seems like a relatively normal thing to consider), except...we had our carpets cleaned today and while there is no shortage of seating out on the porch... (much of the indoor furniture is at this moment outside... precariously though methodically stacked (Chuck arranged them) one on top of the other until the carpet is fully dry and they can be returned to their resting place indoors. I'm a little too preoccupied to ponder porch side anyway. So what does any of that have to do with warp speed and lemonade sipping??? Nothing...I'm just prone to rambling... and rambling with a keyboard is bound to produce a whole lot of nonsense on occasion. Actually my preoccupation has to do with some decisions I'm wanting to reconcile (or be at peace with... or change my mind on... or...) and an online grant writing course I just started and am wanting to absorb and not simply rush through. I seem to be rushing through life lately. Each week it seems to be Thursday morning around 8:00 am. Let me explain... Sunday it's Church and family stuff... Monday it's workout/errands and planning/sorting/sometimes sifting through papers and then work in the PM. Tuesday... similar routine only the schedule is flipped around... Wednesday...Bible Study, Grant Writing Class, (lunch with a friend...hopefully) back to work...Next thing I know... you guessed it... it's Thursday around 8:00 am and I've already been at work for 2 hours... and it dawns on me again... where did the week go? It's like Ground Hog Day (the movie... not the actual celebratory day!) My hope is as the days turn into weeks and weeks into ...decades... that I'll look back and realize that the older I got... the more I began to understand... each day really is extraordinary... And that I always was given the exact amount of time needed to accomplish the things God had planned in advance for me to do. Even now it is not hard to realize that a warp pace...sometimes lends itself to a warped perspective and that my number one priority must always include simply being still... sitting at His feet, and knowing that He is God... So as this day comes to a close... I'm going to do just that... I'm already sitting on the floor (found a dry spot)... Now all I need to do is post this pondering and take some time to just be still....