...So after 22 years of longing to finish my B.A. Degree in Communications, I went to CSUCI today to have a pre-admissions appointment to find out what I need to do to transfer in as a Junior. Much to my "horror" (okay that might be a bit of an overstatement) I have to take one more math class.... let me repeat that "MATH" class...
Apparently they didn't understand that I originally chose my major based on the least amount of math required. That, and I'm fascinated with communication... even the apparent lack of it 22 years ago when I received my AA degree and was accepted to transfer to CS Fullerton... there was no mention then about additional math requirements... believe me, that I would have remembered. I was also told that my AA degree would "grandfather" me in whenever I would choose to complete my degree. Not so according to the admissions counselor I talked to today...
So... She recommended a course called "math topics" that she described as a course that "talks" about math (Oh what fun!) But, I did say I was fascinated with communication, so perhaps I can look at this as an exercise in communicating about the mind numbing subject of math... Yes... that is what I'll do (okay, seriously...pray for me. It is not that I cannot do math... math I can do... it's the tests that cause my brain to freeze and ultimately create formulas never before seen or considered by the human mind) I'm just 3 short credits away from transferring...I'm almost there, I really can't wait :)