Congratulations... you've been given another day (me too!) What are we going to do with it? What can we do today... alone or collectively to make a difference? I was out for a walk this morning listening to my ipod (something I was convinced I'd never own and now can't seem to get through he day without?!?) and one of my favorite songs came on by Natalie Grant called "Something Beautiful." The lyrics go, "He sees you, He knows you, He loves you and He wants you to know that this life you've been given, this day you've been liven was meant for something beautiful. Life, don't let it pass you by - because you were created for something beautiful...what are you waiting for??" Love that. It pretty much sums it up for me. He sees me, He knows me, He loves me...I was created for something beautiful, what am I waiting for? What am I going to do today to make a difference... and am I going to whine and mope that my closet is too small and my laundry is piling up, or am I going to see what I might do to make sure someone isn't shivering in the cold tonight? Will I over eat (again) and then feel bad about myself... and then have some chips and salsa to console myself, or am I going to see how I might see to it that at least one other person doesn't go to sleep hungry? Am I going to regret, and lament and rationalize my past, present, or future actions, or I'm I going to live like... He sees me, He knows me, and He loves me... and live my life in such a way that someone else might consider believing their life was created for something beautiful too? It's a new day... what are you waiting for?