...Mercy triumphs over judgement. James 2:13
I have been thinking a lot lately, about just how gravely we have messed up the message. When I say "we" - I most assuredly count myself in that crowd of murky witnesses prone to projecting punitive - deadly - glances upon those who don't yet know Jesus. I sit here literally shaking my head in dismay, when I reflect on the number of times I have been more apt to extend judgment on "others" when mercy was all that was required.
I read a recent article by Andrew Sullivan in Newsweek titled "Forget the Church, Follow Jesus." I suppose there is much there I would want to clarify or dispute or reject outright, but the reality is - those professing a faith in Jesus Christ - are the "church" and so YES, following after us / (ME) all too often would lead one squarely into the cross-hairs of my condemnation instead of compassionately toward the foot of the cross.
We have to do better - I MUST DO BETTER. Too much is on the line. Life is on the line - and so I stand with many today who earnestly and with every ounce of humility we/I can convey - ask you to please forgive the messengers "the church" who have not always rightly reflected the very one we pause to celebrate this week. I ask you not to hold against Jesus, my inability to winsomely represent Him at times. I ask you to look again at the life, death and resurrection of the Son of God. To consider why He came and who you are in light of that truth. And, I hope, if you have not already taken the time to stop and ponder in a fresh new way, what faith in Christ is all about, that you would begin to do that today.
Jeremiah 29:13 God promised - "If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." Don't miss Him because the messengers have messed up the message. XO, Kari