Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bla, Bla, Bla...

I am blessed to be an American. No other nation in the known world affords the opportunity and freedom this country endeavors to uphold. I can... without fear or eminent harm, praise the name of God All Mighty and gather with fellow followers of Christ in unity to worship and extol His name. But, the political atmosphere in this country over the last decade or more has become exceedingly toxic. Before bumper stickers had the opportunity to properly fade and begin to peal away from the last hotly disputed presidential campaign of ’04; ’08 slogans were rolling off the press and scrolling across cable news programs in hopes of capturing the attention of a populous that has become increasingly cynical of the entire process.

Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to categorize the American voting populous with such a simplistically uniform stroke. Perhaps some still believe that the candidates say what they mean and mean what they say. I on the other hand have become jaded. I still believe it is not only our privilege & right as American citizens to freely cast out vote, I also hold tightly to the belief it is our obligation to. That perhaps is what makes navigating through all of the cleverly stated talking points all the more disheartening.

I want to believe this country not only can do better, I believe it deserves better. But, the gotcha attitude of the 24 cable news media and obvious and predetermined bias from premier news media outlets makes the days of off the cuff discussion the modern day equivalent of a computer virus, spreading at the click of a mouse destined to infect the entire system if left unchecked. One slip of the tongue, one departure from the expected talking points rallies the talking heads in an endless repetitive analysis of not only what was perceived to have been uttered, but just how significant the damage to that particular party’s political machine may have been. Bla, Bla, Bla... I'll spare you the rest… that was what I was pondering this evening, how about you??