10. Last year at the "Y" in Ojai, I was across the street at the light and as I glanced over at the living nativity scene, I was just in time to see the boy dressed up as a shepherd about to whack the boy dressed up as Joseph with his Shepard's crook.... okay... a tad bit irreverent, but completely laugh out loud hilarious to see.
9. Our first Christmas in New Mexico, we woke up Christmas morning to 18 inches of freshly fallen snow.
8. That very same morning our daughter woke up, she was wearing her American Girl snow white flannel Christmas nightgown and she eagerly tip toed down the hall to see the gifts Santa left for her. All of the sudden she noticed the snow out the window and ran out the front door barefoot and danced around in the snow... that was my best gift that Christmas!
7. The last Christmas my friend LeeAnn was alive, even though she was very ill, she went to the candle light service with my family... It was my privilege to have her with us that Christmas.
6. Christmas eve candle light service in Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Midnight, after the end of the service, standing out in front of the church with our candles as the snow fell, praying and singing.... simply beautiful.
5. The memory of the candle light reflecting on the precious profile of Corey's perfect little face when he was a baby on my lap at Good Shepherd Christmas eve service.
4. The Christmas we realized I was pregnant with my first born :)
3. All of the visits to see Santa at Knott's Berry farm with Nana and Papa when Corey and Jaymie were young.
2. My first Christmas with Chuck when we were dating... he gave me a pair of tennis shoes and a t-shirt....I kind of thought... ok...thanks..?...? Then he handed me a beautiful heart necklace with little diamonds on one side... ahhh....very romantic :)
1. The house full of kids during one of our many Happy Birthday Jesus parties over the years...
Good times....I could keep writing... how about you?
What are some of your favorite Christmas memories?
What are some of your favorite Christmas memories?