Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Oh, Glory be...

I get to do one of my favorite things this weekend! I get to speak about the love of Christ and the hope that is found soley in Him to a group of women at a retreat at the beach in the O.C. Love the beach, love Orange County, most of all, love sharing God's amazing love and hope.

So this afternoon I needed to meet up with my math group to go over our group presentation for next week, and while I was waiting (at the Coffee Bean and Tea in Oxnard) I was reading my little pocket Bible, when this lady walked up to me, put her hands on me and started praying God's word over me... And when she stopped she just said "It does my heart so good to see a young person (love that..:)reading the word of God and then hugged me and went to the bathroom... then when she came back out she said, "Jesus said, I am the vine, you are the branches..." and I said John 15:5 and she said yes, "my Father is the garnder I am the true vine...and my Father is the gardener..."and then she said "the pruning... oh the pruning, the pruning is so important...I was reading John 15 this morning" and I said..." I am speaking at a retreat this weekend and speaking on John 15 for one of the sessions and she said something like " Oh glory be "... and then I asked her name and thanked her for her prayers we taked for a couple of seconds and she smiled went on her way... a few minutes later my math group showed up... But I just kept thinking... "Oh glory be... God is amazing! :)