Saturday, June 2, 2007

What you crave is more of Him

This world is obsessed with more... More money, more food, more gadgets, more, more, more... We were designed that way. Now that doesn't give us the green light to shop until we drop or eat until we burst, but I believe it is part of our DNA. We are easily out of balance. We crave things we think will bring us joy, worth, contentment or at very least a thrill. Instant gratification, instant recognition, instant purpose. The center of our individual focus is ..."ME". We were created for so much more than simply "ME". This life...this struggle, this existence was meant to center around "Him". We crave more of Him, yet we think we can fill up our tank some other way. I recently saw a community production of "Little Shop of Horrors". In this clever yet creepy drama an ensemble of seemingly lost souls ultimately sacrifice their collective beings to a man eating plant. Some were duped, some were searching, some went willingly, yet all were mislead in an effort to satisfy their own longings... and in the end they were gobbled up by their folly. As I ponder this obsession with more, I am convinced He is the more we were designed to be filled with. Anything less may feel right for a moment... but ultimately leaves you empty. God fills us to overflowing... an abundance that satisfies and still leaves us wanting more.. but a more that blesses and increases and multiplies, not one that looks good, feels right, but is deceiving and in the end gobbles us up in our own folly. Ponder this for a while and let me know what you think...